3 Ways to Host a Stress-Free Friendsgiving

Thanksgiving is a few days away. But, do you also celebrate Friendsgiving during this time? What is Friendsgiving? When did the term originate? How can I host one? Read further, as your questions will be answered.

The Science Behind the Holiday

As you may know, Friendsgiving is a combination of friend and Thanksgiving. Friendsgiving refers to a large meal shared with friends on or near Thanksgiving. Although it is not clear when the holiday dedicated to friends first was mentioned, or when the phrase was coined, lifestyle pieces on Friendsgiving appeared in 2008 and 2009.

Friendsgiving gained national recognition in 2011, when Bailey’s Irish Cream used the word in an ad campaign.

Friendship in the Media

Friendsgiving gained national recognition in 2011, when Bailey’s Irish Cream used the word in an ad campaign. And, the theme previously was a plot point in an episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey, “Gobblefellas.”

According to USA TODAY, “Friendsgiving might have started among college students or coworkers who didn’t have a place to go or ability to travel home for the holiday.”

A Meal With Friends

Creating a Thanksgiving meal for family can be stressful, but having Friendsgiving does not have to be. Three tips about how to have a worry-free Friendsgiving are below.

1. What’s your friend’s favorite dishes to make? Perhaps you can request that everyone bring a dish. Having a potluck, for Friendsgiving, will make your meal more interesting. Why? You can add flavors from several kitchens to your gathering. Simply assign categories such as desserts or side dishes, to your friends, and let them show off their culinary expertise.

2. Plenty of serving utensils and platters will be need. So, if your friends commit to bringing sides, suggest they bring serving bowls, too. If anyone doesn’t know what to bring, you can recommend ice, beverages or napkins, as they won’t go unused.

3. Know everyone’s dietary restrictions and allergies. For example, some of your guests may be vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free or allergic to shellfish. Communicate what dishes are needed to your friends.

Celebrating, Eating and Enjoying

Will you celebrate Friendsgiving this year? Have you hosted one in the past? Do you have tips to add about hosting a stress-free Friendsgiving? Feel free to add your comments in the section below. Here’s to friendship, good food and lots of holiday cheer! 🙂

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